Start today! The sooner you start saving, the more compound interest will work on your behalf. It also means you can put less away over a longer period of time and still have a solid nest egg. Check out the

Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em? – Savings Bonds
I still have 4 EE savings bond from my teenage years with a face value of $1000 each. The current total value for all of the bonds is about $2500 and they earn on average about 2.9%. The question… Cash them in

Is Online Banking Right For You?
We are all familiar with the traditional brick-and-mortar bank. You can open one of a variety of checking accounts and savings accounts, get issued an ATM card and checkbook (often with an additional fee). Want

Say No To Excess Banking Fees
In the coming year big banks are ready to collect over $30 billion in fees. Most likely you are contributing to that figure. Here are some questions you should be asking to at least reduce if not avoid these

Investment Planning In Volatile Times
Preserving capital is critical during turbulent times. Adding regularly to savings and investing in securities, either equities or fixed income, that compound over long periods of time will bring you solid

Are Stock Buybacks an Executive Money Grab?
The media and investors are often enthralled when a company decides to engage in a stock buyback program. Quite often the financial strength of the company is overstated and the only people who benefit from the

Do You Have a Financial Back-Up Plan?
“There are some extreme things you can’t control. But you can take steps to have a backup plan and be flexible” says Thomas Biles, a Gainesville, Florida–based financial planner. Jerry Grief knows this all too

Four Budgeting Basics
Don't let the idea of budgeting bring you down. Figuring out how much money you have coming in and how much you have going out can reduce your stress levels and even help you save for a rainy day. These four

Smaller Home-Richer Life
When you think about a dream home you might consider building it from the ground up. Maybe add on to your current home or possibly gut and re-make your ultimate kitchen or master bath. But rarely does anyone

Four Solid Retirement Strategies
It's important to keep in mind a few principles when assembling and growing your retirement portfolio. There are countless investment vehicles out there to entice just about every personality you can think of.